There are many types of skin diseases affecting people all over the world. If you suddenly find that your skin is discoloring, either getting redder and itching, or getting lighter or darker as compared to the surrounding skin, you need to first contact a skin specialist or other medical practitioner to find out what the problem really is. It could just be another allergy or seasonal itch, or it could be atopic dermatitis or it could be something even worse like skin cancer.

Just as a guide to you, here are a few common symptoms of eczema:

  • Redness in fairer-skinned people, lighter pigmentation in darker-skinned people
  • Thick skin, like scaling in affected areas
  • Rashes on areas of the body that fold like inner elbows, behind the knees, on hands and fingers and in patches on other parts of the body
  • Vesicles that appear just under the surface of the skin that bubble up in clumps
  • Crusting after vesicles ooze out that harden on the skin

There are other symptoms of eczema that may vary based on other factors of the patient such as:

  • Age
  • Race
  • Type of climatic conditions
  • Other allergies
  • Diet
  • Type of work done

Science has not yet discovered the cause neither the cure for eczema. The reason why this is so is because each patient has their own timeline for the occurrence and re-occurrence of the skin disease. While there might be a trigger for one person, it would not be the same for another person. If you feel that you are suffering from eczema, it would be recommended that you first visit a skin specialist and follow a lifestyle that is suited to you and that helps alleviate the skin irritation.

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