While food plays a major role in the soothing or aggravating of eczema, there are other triggers that also could cause eczema. As any patient would know, they are very sensitive to harsh environments, ingredients and situations. Here are other triggers to eczema:

  • Detergents and Dishwashing Liquids

The use of detergents and dishwashing liquids is to cut grease and remove any oils that may be attached to surfaces. When your skin comes in contact with these sudsy materials, they strip you of the essential oils naturally embedded in the skin. This causes eczema to get aggravated and inflame.

  • Bath Items

The soaps and shampoos that you usually use contain some of the same harsh ingredients that are in the detergents that you use. In fact to prove this, check if your soap and shampoo get sudsy the same way as your clothes cleaner does – this means that it has the harsh components that harm your skin.

  • Perfumes and Deodorants

Another reason why those who suffer from eczema need to stay away from unnatural chemicals as much as they can is because they can cause irritations and inflammations to the skin. Also, if there are any open sores, using perfumes or deodorants will cause the skin to burn. In case you have other issues like B.O. and the like, use perfumes that contain natural substances like rose water, citrus peel, etc.

  • Clothes

The clothes that you wear could also play a factor in the inflammation of eczema. Clothes are worn almost 24 hours a day and they may keep brushing against the skin that will feel aggravating after a while. In case the patient is sweating and the clothes do not absorb the sweat, the salts in the perspiration will also cause itching and redness. Those clothing items that are harsh like some woolen materials and such make the person feel itchy.

  • Weather

Another trigger for eczema is the temperature outside. Extremes of temperature, whether it is too hot or too cold, also factor in when it comes to the skin disease. If it too hot outside, coupled with pollution and humidity, the skin can get red and inflamed. Also, perspiration caused by the heat would also aggravate eczema. On the other side of the spectrum, if it is too cold, the skin could dry out. The problem with eczema is that the patient doesn’t have a steady flow of oils on the skin and the dryness will harden the surface of the skin that could cause the surface to break and bleed. Constant cleansing of the skin and application of lubricants like lotion are necessary to keep the skin fresh, though sometimes the chemicals in the lotion also cause aggravation.

  • Stress and Unhealthy Habits

Another factor that triggers the occurrence of eczema is stress. It may not have a direct effect on the skin disease, but when a person is agitated, it leads to unconscious scratching and scaling of the rash. A very calm environment is necessary for those suffering from eczema. Also, unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking affect the skin. Those with sensitive skin cannot smoke as the vapors irritate the dermatitis and cause itching and scaling.

There are many other triggers for eczema, though these are the most common and affect majority of those suffering from the skin disease. You need to keep a keen eye for triggers and avoid using those products that are known to be harsh. Contact a skin specialist to find out what is good for you to use and what isn’t.

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