The skin disease eczema occurs after different intervals in the lifetime of the patient. Ideally, it occurs on the skin of infants and children and should tentatively disappear by the age of 10. However, some adults still suffer from eczema throughout their lives.

Science has not yet been able to find out the true causes of eczema neither is there any cure for it. However, there are certain minerals and components that can help with soothing the skin rash. You need to apply these to the surface of the skin regularly. They help with the disease, however an overall healthier and stress-free environment is necessary to keep eczema away altogether.


There are creams and ointments available in regular medical stores that contain this ingredient called “hydrocortisone”. These are available in different percentages, so depending on the level of flare-ups on the skin, you can apply the cream. Those suffering from more severe forms of eczema need to take medication that has more concentrated forms of hydrocortisone. It is advisable to contact your dermatologist before self-medicating because any over-use of this medication may cause other skin diseases like skin cancer.

Skin Repair Creams

These are almost like regular creams that are available over the counter, and contain milder ingredients as compared to regular lotions. They help keep sensitive skin moist for a longer duration of time and lock in moisture to keep skin smooth and supple. The ingredients in these creams do not cause allergies and redness on skin, but rather sooth the eczema and make the rash colors appear the same as regular skin color.


These are powerful elements that help sooth mild to severe eczema. Again, these need to be given as a treatment in minor quantities because over-use can cause skin cancer and bone issues. Corticosteroids can be swallowed in pill form, applied like a thin-layer lotion or injected. It is important, again, to ask your skin specialist if this is ideal for you or if you should use another chemical to cure your skin rash.

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