Even though science has developed in many fields, when it comes to eczema, the actual cause is not yet known. The most widely accepted cause for this skin disease is through genes and other hereditary modes. Usually eczema attacks infants and children and is cured before the age of 10 years. However, there are cases of eczema occurring even into adulthood. It doesn’t take place all through the year. In fact it can affect someone for a long time and then suddenly disappear. A trigger to eczema would cause it to re-occur, so there is not way of knowing if it is cured forever or if there is going to be another bout at some other time.

Though there is no scientific proof yet of what triggers eczema in patients, with case studies and examples taken from those already suffering from it, triggers can be said to be as follows:

  • Detergents and soaps, dishwashing liquids
  • Shampoos and conditioners
  • Disinfectants and pest control chemicals
  • Direct contact with uncooked meats, fruits and vegetables
  • Allergies to pets like dog and cat fur
  • Dust, pollen, cleaning chemicals
  • Sweat
  • Extra cold, dry weather
  • Stressful situations
  • Digestive issues
  • Problematic functioning of various organs
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Foods that are difficult to digest

As stated earlier, there is no certain way of determining what causes eczema and now to keep it at bay. However, with this list, you can definitely prevent yourself from another bout of the skin disease or help it to not inflame further by avoiding triggers.

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