The food that we eat has a direct effect on our health and overall wellbeing. What we put into our mouths and digest can either make us feel better or cause our health to deteriorate.

When it comes to the skin disease that is eczema, there are many triggers that aggravate it and irritate the patient, affecting their daily functioning. Food also plays a vital role in either soothing it or causing it to erupt further.

Here is the list of foods that can trigger eczema:

  • Milk
  • Milk Products
  • Soya
  • Soya Products
  • Wheat
  • Fish
  • Nuts
  • Meats
  • Eggs

None of these foods have been scientifically proven to cause or aggravate eczema because each patient has their own tolerance levels. However, in order to determine a trigger of the disease, you would need to observe the rashes after consuming something. If within two hours after eating you feel itchy or maybe find swelling and redness in the affected areas, then you can narrow down what is the cause and cut down that particular item from your diet. There are patients who have reported chocolate, alcohol, sugary drinks and even certain fruits and vegetables, etc. as being irritants so they need to customize their own daily intake.

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