So either you might be suffering from eczema or might know someone who does. Living with it can be difficult. It can itch at anytime and causes discomfort at any time of the day or night. If it itches in the night, you may unknowingly harm yourself while in your sleep leaving open cuts and wounds that burn in the morning. Living with eczema also means that you have be very careful with the environment you are around and also what you eat and touch.

Here are easy ways you can manage eczema that you can imbibe into your daily life:

  • Triggers

The reason why eczema occurs is because of triggers or things that you are sensitive. So, in order to manage eczema that has already affected your skin, stay away from these triggers. If for example, your skin is sensitive to washing soap and such, either switch to lighter detergents that are more organic in nature or wear protective gear while using these items. Try staying away from them altogether if you can.

  • Keep Hydrated

Eczema occurring on any part of the body leaves it dry and scaly. If kept this way for a long duration of time, the skin can begin to split and bleed. Also, carrying on daily activities will also be painful and itchy. Every dermatologist will recommend that you keep the areas affected hydrated. As soon as you have a bath, apply a salve or skin ointment and keep reapplying at regular intervals throughout the day and night. Make sure that the potions you apply have ingredients that do not contribute to the aggravation but rather sooth the rash.

  • Avoid Scratching

Suffering from eczema can be very difficult to living daily life. The scabs keep itching and do not stop until scratched. Sometimes the severe itching can cause the skin to split and to ooze with a liquid and even blood. Even though it is difficult and nearly impossible to do so, try your best. If the irritation is threatening to take over your attention, then lightly rub over it with a smooth cloth and not directly with your nails. After that, apply a cooling salve over the rash.

  • Clothing

The clothes you wear are also important when it comes to eczema. The reason being that you wear them almost for 24 hours a day. Tight clothes can trap sweat and particles that will irritate your skin. You need to let it breathe, so wear clothes that are light and airy, made from natural substances like cotton. In case you sweat, change your clothes after a light wash. Do not wear itchy clothes that some woolens cause.

  • Bathing Time

You may be surprised that some of the ingredients in your regular soap and shampoos have the same drying materials that are in dishwashing soaps – that’s why they lather just the same. Use soaps made of natural materials like rosewater and essential oils. In the bath water you can include Epsom salts and salts from natural water bodies like the Dead Sea that contain natural minerals good for the skin. Dry the water properly with a towel and then apply a cooling lotion.

The skin disease that is eczema is different with each patient. A trigger for one may not affect the other in the same way. Find out the triggers to your skin flare-ups and avoid them accordingly.

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